Friday, March 19, 2010

Moving to Kentucky...

I recently accepted a job at the Creation Museum as a museum artist. I will be moving in a few weeks. Life is going to change a lot. I am hoping to continue with my painting as I have time. A new adventure is beginning! May God's will be done.


Jennie Joy said...

Wow! Exciting news, Ben! I'll look forward to hearing how life goes in this new season! Where in Kentucky is the museum?

Benjamin Iocco said...

The Museum is located in Petersburg, KY only a few miles from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Heather Jo said...

Hey grandma Anita just told me! You wont be that far from me, well closer than other familia at least... If you need anything just let me know! good luck!

Benjamin Iocco said...

Thats right.Thanks!